Co-Chair of Governors
I was appointed as a Foundation Governor by the Diocese and have had the privilege of serving the Governing Body of Holy Trinity since July 2023, initially as a Governor and latterly, as Co-Chair of Governors with Grace.
I will do my utmost to serve the school, our community and our pupils as well as I can. I attend Holy Trinity Church with my family and will strive to work with the school to maintain and develop its distinctive Christian ethos, that gives our children the values and strength to be strong advocates for themselves and each other, providing a firm foundation which, coupled with the school’s high educational standards, prepares them for the future.
I am a Family Lawyer and am passionate about protecting the rights of a child, their welfare, safety and happiness always being paramount. Being a Governor enables me to combine my legal interest and experience with my long standing interest in education. Both my parents were headteachers, with experience in leading faith schools, which inspired me to get involved. I am honoured to be able to support Holy Trinity and the wonderful community that it serves.
Co-Chair of Governors
As an experienced HR professional, I bring a strong background in analyzing data, working with policies, and fostering people development. I am deeply passionate about empowering individuals to reach their full potential, and I believe this aligns closely with the core mission of our school.
It is an honor to serve as co-chair in such a dedicated and values-driven community. I am particularly inspired by the school’s commitment to humility, integrity, and excellence. My goal is to contribute meaningfully to the school’s continued success, ensuring every student and staff member thrives in an environment that promotes growth and achievement.
Vice Chair of Governors
I have been a Parent Governor since September 2021.
Having both my children attending the school, Holy Trinity and the local community have been part of our everyday life for the last few years.
My professional background is in finance and accounting. My day job is helping corporates manage their treasury and commodity related risks. I am also passionate about caring for people and I manage the learning and development of my team, support my colleagues as a career coach and actively work on improving diversity and inclusion at my workplace.
Using my experience I am keen to support the school to provide a caring and stimulating environment for the children.
Chair of Business Committee
First and foremost I’m a parent of a child attending the school so I have a vested interest in the key priorities, management, and governance of the school. I am an active member of the Holy Trinity community and hope to extend my contributions specifically to Holy Trinity Primary School. Since 2018 I have volunteered as Clerk to the Business Committee, and subsequently extended as Clerk to the STL and CFC Committees at Holy Trinity, prior to becoming a Governor in 2021.
Professionally, I work as a commercial manager, and therefore have excellent numerical, analytical, and problem solving skills, coupled with effective decision making and negotiation skills.
Chair of Faith Team
I was voted in as a parent governor in 2021. I have three children, two of which are still at Holy Trinity. Since joining the school family nearly 10 years ago I have had the opportunity to support the children and their families in many different projects and activities. Currently I am chair of the faith team which helps to guide our christian ethos throughout school life and ensure we are supporting each of the children in their faith journey.
I am passionate about making our community a more inclusive place by bringing people together and helping individuals and families’ wellbeing. Our school is a hub for the local community and I want to make sure that each individual who attends feel like they belong and are valued as part of that community.
Governor and Treasurer
I am a Foundation Governor appointed by the Diocese of Southwark in September 2018. In my role with the Governing Board I am a member of the Business Committee and also undertake Treasury responsibilities, whilst my professional background is in HR and facilities alongside property investment and portfolio management.
I have been involved with Holy Trinity since 2012, initially through my children's attendance. My interest in working with the Governing Body remains driven by the opportunity to support the School in providing an inclusive, nurturing learning environment where both staff and children feel motivated and individually valued.
Ex-Officio Governor, Safeguarding Lead
I am delighted to be an ex-officio governor by virtue of my role as the Team Rector of Merton Priory Team Ministry, based mostly at Holy Trinity Church. I am also a governor at The Priory and I enjoy visiting both schools on a regular basis to lead assemblies.
Schools are places of learning and yet so much more; in different ways, akin to a family or a church, fundamental building blocks of a happy, just and holy society, such as our commitments to care for the creation and to work for racial justice.
Governor, Health and Safety Governor
I was delighted to be appointed as a Foundation Governor in May 2023, having regularly attended Holy Trinity Church South Wimbledon with my wife, initially, and then my two young children. The local community has given so much to me and my family, and I wanted to contribute in return.
As the son of a teacher/headteacher and a churchgoer, I have a deep passion for both education and the instillation of Christian values within school pupils from an early age. My children are also not yet of school age, so I have the benefit of looking at the school's priorities, management and governance through an objective lens.
Professionally, I work in investment banking and so bring extensive experience of financial analysis and budgeting to my roles as Governor and member of the Business Committee.
Governor, SEND Link Governor
I am a Foundation Governor appointed by Holy Trinity Church in Autumn 2024 and feel it is a real privilege to be part of the school community in this way. I also serve on the Standards, Teaching and Learning committee.
I have three children who all attend Holy Trinity and until having my family, I worked for 16 years in a range of inner London primary schools. My passion has always been in education and in providing the best possible outcomes for all children, within an inclusive curriculum which supports children’s social, emotional, spiritual and mental health. I am excited by the opportunity to help the school to continue to provide this and to contribute to the wider Holy Trinity community.
It is a privilege to be a Co-opted Governor and member of the Business Committee at Holy Trinity, which I have been since November 2024. As well as being a parent at the school, I am a Civil Servant and a member of the Trinity Ward policing panel via Wimbledon Police Station, which involves reviewing and updating the Station’s quarterly policing priorities.
I am a long-time Wimbledon resident and I applied to the Governor role so that I could combine my passion for public service with contributing to the ongoing efforts to build a welcoming and supportive school environment for all Holy Trinity families.
''It's an honour to be a Foundation Governor at Holy Trinity CofE Primary School, commencing September 2024. I embrace the opportunity to help the school thrive and to help enrich the lives of our children, as well as the wider community of the school and church.
My professional experience of 15+ years in national and international sport can provide expertise in multiple business functions including safeguarding, HR and technology - particularly aimed at children and young people."
In addition to his role on the full governing body, Matt serves on the Standards, Teaching and Learning Committee, and the Children, Families and Community Committee.
Headteacher and Governor
Headteacher and Governor
Staff Governor
Reception Teacher, Phonics Lead and Staff Governor