Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Special Educational Needs

At Holy Trinity we understand that every child is unique and has individual educational needs. We are committed to inclusion and provide an appropriate and high quality education to all children. We believe that all children, including those identified as having special educational needs, have a common entitlement to high quality teaching, a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum and that that they should be fully included in all aspects of school life. 
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer
The intention of our SEND Information Report is to not only support you in your understanding of our offer in school for those children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) but also for you to see that we want all children to make the very best possible progress throughout school.
As a school we are supported to be as inclusive as possible by our Local Authority, Merton and wherever possible, the needs of pupils with a SEND are met in a mainstream setting, where families want this to happen. 
Each school now has the duty to publish SEND information on their website which is reviewed annually. Please continue to provide feedback to the school regarding this information as your input will help drive forward our review process.
For further information about SEND, or to discuss your child's needs, please contact our Inclusion Leader, Anne Moran, or our EYFS SENDCo, Maria Channell.

Mrs Anne Moran


Further information regarding Merton’s SEN Local Offer can be obtained by clicking on the link below.
Telephone: 020 8542 1591
Email: anne.moran@holytrinity.merton.sch.uk