Holy Trinity CofE Primary School

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Committee Structure



Remit of Committee

Full Governing Body

Shipra Gupta

The purpose of governing bodies is to “conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school” (Education Act, 2002).

Governing bodies focus on three strategic functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent


Sue Smith

The Business Committee is responsible for the school personnel, finances, and premises, and is tasked with:

  • Ensuring the school has an effective and high quality staff
  • Monitoring the budget, ensuring that it fulfils the needs of the school as set out in the school development plan (SDP), and that the school’s financial management complies with best value good practice
  • Ensuring that the school’s buildings and learning environment are maintained and fit for purpose, and that effective procedures and policies are in place to meet all applicable health & safety standards and legislation

Standards, Teaching & Learning


Gemma Anderson

The Standards, Teaching & Learning (ST&L) Committee is responsible for helping to ensure that the school provides high quality teaching and learning, leading to the highest possible levels of progress and attainment for all pupils. The Committee reviews pupil progress and teaching and learning policies. The Committee is responsible for monitoring the progress of different groups of children within the school, including those with special educational needs, those for whom English is not their first language, the high-achieving, and those who are vulnerable. It also undertakes regular reviews to make sure the curriculum is broad and balanced, and in keeping with the school's aims, pupil needs, and statutory requirements.

Children, Families and Community

Clare Judd


The Children, Families and Community Committee will: 

  • Oversee the school’s contribution to pupil well-being, including the extent to which pupils feel safe, adopt healthy lifestyles and contribute to the school and wider community; 
  • Oversee the policies and provision relating to home/school links, behaviour and community cohesion; 
  • Oversee the school’s plans and activities to project and promote its vision, values and achievements to parents and carers (current and potential), the wider community and local opinion formers

CFC is also responsible for attendance and admissions.

Faith Group

Sarah Williams

The purpose of the Faith Group is to ensure that the distinctiveness and effectiveness of Holy Trinity school as a church school is maintained and enhanced. The school’s ethos statement is:

"Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School will cherish and develop its Christian character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England. We will work together with the local Church at both parish and diocesan level, seeking to encourage a greater understanding of the meaning and significance of the Christian faith. The School aims to pursue excellence in all that it does, seeking to serve the wider community in which it is based by providing an education of the highest quality to all its children within the context of the Christian faith. The School seeks to engender a welcoming and inclusive environment in which the pastoral needs of each child are met so that all our children may reach their full potential".